Thrust by Purpose.
If you are at a loss of thrust, not able to find the real power to move/act, you could benefit from magnifying Your Purpose.
Uncommon Courage
Uncommon Courage is a cutting edge of Love that dissolves fear. This is going to the edge of all you have known and taking one more step, into the unknown. A leap of faith that causes a leap of consciousness.
Surrender to WIN!
Win the Freedom, Power and Inspiration to give your Gift, live your Purpose and build the Vision you have of a better self and world, no matter what!
On Purpose Work
When you feel as though your ability to live On Purpose has been hi-jacked, the only thing to do is use your purpose to get back On Purpose!
Cows Don’t Lay Eggs
Our pursuit of success often lies in the illusion of being something or somewhere else. Seeking it elsewhere will never work. Learn why here.
A Rite of Passage.
You may have heard before that “failure is the pathway to success”. I bet you didn’t come to planet earth […]
The Laws of Relationships On Purpose.
The fear-based thought system of our egos can wreak havoc in relationships, especially the ones that matter most to us. […]