Team On Purpose

When did you SCORE your Life Game On Purpose?

1 point is scored for doing this before midnight the following day.

2 points are scored for doing this before noon the following morning.

3 points are scored for entering your score before midnight of the same day.

When did you REPORT your score to your teammates?

When you report your score to your teammates:

1 point is scored for reporting before midnight the following day.

2 points are scored for reporting before noon the following morning.

3 points are scored for reporting before midnight of the same day.


Did you ENCOURAGE someone On Purpose today?

When you encourage someone in YOUR LIFE On Purpose:

1 point is scored for one time.

2 points are scored for two times.

3 points are scored for three times.

Did you directly ASK FOR SUPPORT On Purpose today?

3 points are scored when you directly ask for support from someone On Purpose.

Did you ADMIT FEAR today?

Fear spreads and expands in denial, projection and confusion. These are the shadows of the mind. Fear dissolves in exposure.

1 point is scored when you admit fear to yourself today.

2 points are scored when you admit fear in person or in writing.

3 points are scored for doing this two or more times.

Did you SHARE ‘Shifts from Fear to Purpose’ today?

1 point is scored when you notice your shift from fear to Purpose.

2 points are scored when you share in writing or in person about when you were off purpose and were able to create a ‘Shift to Purpose’.

3 points are scored when you do this twice!