Preparation scoring

Weekly planning and preparing - MONDAY ONLY

Three points are scored for planning and preparing how you will win the game in the week ahead. The points are scored by spending a minimum of 15 minutes planning when and where you will workout, grocery shop, and prepare and consume authorized meals. Weekly planning must be accomplished by the end of the day on Monday and the points are taken on Monday as well. Planning is especially valuable when traveling or dealing with unfamiliar activities and locations.

Design and declare an Inside Game for this coming week - SUNDAY ONLY

Weekly Inside Game: Three points are scored for designing, declaring and reporting an Inside Game that focuses your week on particular areas where you’d like to emphasize your effort. For example: – I will score the perfect nutrition points 5 times this week. OR – I will hit and score the Red Zone points 6 days this week. The declaration for these “Inside Game” points must be included in your Sunday report (for the upcoming week) to the team. Score one point for declaring your Inside Game.

Reporting weekly Inside Game results - SUNDAY ONLY

The success or failure is then reported the following Sunday. Score 2 points for reporting your results.

I am setting a point goal for this coming week - SUNDAY ONLY

Weekly Point Goal: 1 point is scored when you share your point goal for the week with your team on Sunday to begin the week.

Reporting weekly point goal result - SUNDAY ONLY

Two points are scored when you report on that goal at the end of the week on Sunday.