Question on the scoring page | Scoring Info |
Vitals On Purpose | |
Did you SLEEP On Purpose last night? — (wind down, bedtime, # of hours) | 1 point is scored when you wind down On Purpose 2 points are scored when you sleep the optimum amount as you have determined On Purpose (e.g. 6 hours or 8 hours) 3 points are scored when you also sleep at the optimum time (e.g. 10pm – 5am) |
Was your NUTRITION On Purpose today? — (food, amount, timing) | 1 point is scored if the food you selected was On Purpose today 2 points are score if you also ate the optimal amount of food today 3 points are scored if you selected and consumed your food at the optimal time |
Did you get your BODY MOVING On Purpose today? — (18, 36, 54 min) | 1 point scored for 18 minutes of physical activity. 2 points scored for 36 minutes of physical activity. 3 points scored for 54 minutes of physical activity. Your physical activity can be in 1, 2 or 3 intervals of 18 minutes each OR all at once. |
Were you AT HOME with yourself On Purpose today? — (24 breaths, be present, home care) | The Purpose of this activity is to have you Be at HOME wherever you ARE relaxed in who you are as a Essential Self ~ Now, On Purpose: 1 point is scored for practicing Being at Home in your body. 24 breaths On Purpose without losing count. Take a deep breath inhale say 24 exhale, inhale say 23 exhale, 22 and down to 0. If you lose track of the count, start over at the beginning. Up to three points per day. 1 point is scored for Being at HOME HERE in ‘THIS’ situation. Simply remember to notice your surroundings and say ‘I am at HOME HERE, with these thoughts, this energy, and these actions. Then, notice what they are with the intention to accept them. Up to 3 points per day. 1 point for Being at Home where Home is! (spend 9 minutes purposefully cleaning, arranging, decorating, appreciating or upgrading your physical space at home, office, hotel room, etc.) Up to three points per day. *Any combination of these can make a maximum of 3 points. |
Were you KIND On Purpose today? — (to yourself, to another, to the planet) | 1 point is scored for in any way being kind to yourself for 3 minutes On Purpose! 1 point is scored for an act of unconditional kindness for another person – friend/family/stranger 1 point is earned for an act of kindness toward the planet or environment. These points can be scored by doing one of each above, or 3 of any one or any other combination. Just be Kind On Purpose Now! |
Did you create COMPANIONSHIP On Purpose today? — (create, relate, build team) | 1 point is scored when you can honestly say I created companionship On Purpose today. Up to three points per day. 1 point is scored when you consciously ask questions, listen or connect to get related On Purpose -with people, animals, the planet etc. 1 point is earned for team building or teamwork On Purpose today. Up to three points per day. |
Fear Hunting On Purpose | |
Did you review or recall the RED Dot or complete a RED Dot Worksheet today? — (recall concepts 1x,2x,3x or do worksheet) | Reviewing or recalling the RED Dot, being aware, acknowledging and accepting ‘You Are Here’ and noticing ‘your perspective and experience (and nothing outside you) is the source of all pain, misery and suffering you perceive and experience’ Score 1 point for each review or memory recall of this today, up to 3 points total. Score 3 points when you do the ‘RED Dot Worksheet’. |
Did you complete a BUT Reduction Worksheet today? — (notice excuses, worksheet 1x, 2x) | 1 point is scored when you notice your excuses and BUTs On Purpose today 2 points are scored when you complete a BUT Reduction worksheet 3 points are scored when you complete a second BUT Reduction worksheet “Complete” means all applicable sections at the time you did the worksheet. |
Did you DISTINGUISH your Ego self & Essential Self today? | Score 3 points for distinguishing your Ego self & Essential Self and learning the difference between these two. Give three minutes to see how hard you are on yourself and notice the difference when you are forgiving of yourself, life and other people. |
Did you ASK YOURSELF: Do I want to live on Purpose Now? Am I? How shall I proceed? — (1x, 2x, 3x) | Do I want to live On Purpose? Am I On Purpose Now? How shall I proceed On Purpose (in these conditions with these people)? MAKE a decision and run the next play On Purpose! These three questions are ‘The On Purpose’ work. If you ask and answer these honestly: 1 time = 1 point 2 times = 2 points 3 times = 3 points Slow down the mind and train yourself to hear the Voice of Purpose. |
Did you use the ON PURPOSE INITIATIVE format today? — (intention, game plan, results) | 1 point is scored for writing an ‘Intention’ today. 1 point is scored for writing a ‘Game Plan ‘ today -i.e. keys/strategy for ‘how’ to make the Intention a success. 1 point is scored for writing your ‘Plays’ On Purpose and the results you are ‘Playing for’ today. These make up a “Game Worth Playing”. |
Did you spend time TRAINING your T.E.A. (Thought. Energy. Action.) today? — (articles, journaling, or meditating; 9, 15, 21 min) | 1 point is scored when you spend 9 minutes reviewing any of the T.E.A. (Thought. Energy. Action) On Purpose modules/articles or journaling, meditating, reading materials to train your mind. 2 points are scored for spending 6 more (15) minutes. 3 points when you spend 6 more (21) minutes. These can be done in sequence or apart during the day. |
Life by Design | |
Did you interact with MONEY On Purpose today? — (budgeting, planning, spending) | When you interact with money (budgeting, receiving, paying, balancing, applying, planning, thinking of spending, earning etc.) 1 point is scored when you do it with a deliberate/conscious Intention. 2 points are scored when you do this twice. 3 points are scored for doing this three times. |
Did you COMMUNICATE On Purpose today? — (writing / speaking with intention) | When you are communicating in any form (in person, writing email, text, hand note, telephone, with a service person, etc.) doing it with deliberate/conscious Intention: 1 point is scored when you do it once. 2 points when you do this twice. 3 points for three times. |
Did you engage in RELATIONSHIPS On Purpose today? — (maintain, improve, upgrade) | When you take deliberate action to maintain, improve or upgrade any relationship (you care about): 1 point is scored for one action. 2 points are scored for two actions. 3 points are scored for three actions. |
While you WORKED today was your T.E.A. (Thought. Energy. Action.) consistent with your PURPOSE / INTENTION at least 51%? | Score 3 points when you can say honestly + 51% of your thought, energy and action was sourced and thrust by your Life Purpose (or Intention) as you worked today. If today is a day off OR you do not have a job or life work, apply this to whatever you did today that you could call work. |
Did you engage SYSTEMS On Purpose today? (organization, lists, schedules) | When you take action to purposefully maintain, improve or upgrade the equipment or systems or create content that support your existence (e.g. organizing systems, schedules or checklists you use): 1 point is scored for one action 2 points are scored for 2 separate actions. 3 points are scored for 3 separate actions. |
Were you PLAYFUL AND ENTERTAINED On Purpose at least 9 minutes today? | 3 points are scored when you deliberately engage (amusements, entertainment, pleasures) for the Intention simply to play and experience enjoyment for 9 minutes or more. |
Key Plays On Purpose | |
Key Plays 1-6 | Design daily activities or habits that would have a major impact on what is most important to you! Create the ability to score 3 points in your Life Game On Purpose each day for taking the actions or combination of actions. |
Team On Purpose | |
When did you SCORE your Life Game On Purpose? — (tonight, tomorrow a.m, p.m) | 1 point is scored for doing this before midnight the following day. 2 points are scored for doing this before noon the following morning. 3 points are scored for entering your score before midnight of the same day. |
When did you REPORT your score to your teammates? — — (tonight, tomorrow a.m, p.m) | When you report your score to your teammates: 1 point is scored for reporting before midnight the following day. 2 points are scored for reporting before noon the following morning. 3 points are scored for reporting before midnight of the same day. |
Did you ENCOURAGE someone On Purpose today? – (1x, 2x, 3x) | When you encourage someone in YOUR LIFE On Purpose: 1 point is scored for one time. 2 points are scored for two times. 3 points are scored for three times. |
Did you directly ASK FOR SUPPORT On Purpose today? | 3 points are scored when you directly ask for support from someone On Purpose. |
Did you ADMIT FEAR today? — (think it, speak it 1x, 2x) | Fear spreads and expands in denial, projection and confusion. These are the shadows of the mind. Fear dissolves in exposure. 1 point is scored when you admit fear to yourself today. 2 points are scored when you admit fear in person or in writing. 3 points are scored for doing this two or more times. |
Did you SHARE ‘Shifts from Fear to Purpose’ today? — (notice, share it 1x, 2x) | 1 point is scored when you notice your shift from fear to Purpose. 2 points are scored when you share in writing or in person about when you were off purpose and were able to create a ‘Shift to Purpose’. 3 points are scored when you do this twice! |
Daily Bonus Plays | |
Did you use RED and BLUE INK to distinguish between the Ego self and Essential Self today? — (in worksheets or journaling) | Score 3 points when, in your journaling or learning, you typed or wrote the Ego self in red and the Essential Self in blue. This includes using Red and Blue in your BUT Reductions, RED Dot Worksheets or writing “default plays” and anywhere you use red to signify fear and blue to signify creativity. |
Estimate the % of your T.E.A. (Thought. Energy. Action.) that was CONSISTENT with your PURPOSE / INTENTION overall today. | 3 points are scored for estimating the % of your T.E.A. (Thought, Energy, Action) that was sourced and thrust On Purpose today. JUST ENTER YOUR % and the points populate automatically for you. |
Were you HONEST about how you played and scored The Life Game On Purpose today? | 3 points are scored for being honest about how you played and scored The Life Purpose Game today. |
Occasional Bonus Plays | |
Did you get BACK IN THE GAME On Purpose today? | When you have failed to score & report for 2 or more days, take 3 points for scoring, reporting AND getting yourself ‘Back in The Game’. |
Did you decide to take this as a DAY OFF ON PURPOSE and declare it to your team the day before? | It can be healthy to take a day to integrate learning and let your system recalibrate or just go offline. If you decide to take this ‘Day off On Purpose’ and declare it in your report to your team the day before, take yesterday’s total points. This is available once every two weeks and can be used for a comp travel day. Your points yesterday will be entered for you. This is the ONLY button you need to press for the day! |
Did you decide to take this as a SPECIAL OCCASION DAY ON PURPOSE and declare it to your team the day before? | Weddings, funerals, family reunions, a day at the Super Bowl (of your life), graduations, a bucket list day, etc. qualify as a “Special Occasion Day”. To score these points declare “I am taking a Special Occasion Day” and what it is in your report to your team the day before, take yesterday’s total points. This is available once every two weeks. |