Fear Hunting On Purpose

Did you review or recall the RED Dot or complete a RED Dot Worksheet today?

Reviewing or recalling the RED Dot, being aware, acknowledging and accepting ‘You Are Here’ and noticing ‘your perspective and experience (and nothing outside you) is the source of all pain, misery and suffering you perceive and experience’

Score 1 point for each review or memory recall of this today, up to 3 points total.

Score 3 points when you do the ‘RED Dot Worksheet’.

Guide for Owning the RED Dot

Did you complete a BUT Reduction Worksheet today?

1 point is scored when you notice your excuses and BUTs On Purpose today.

2 points are scored when you complete a BUT Reduction worksheet.

3 points are scored when you complete a second BUT Reduction worksheet.

“Complete” means all applicable sections at the time you did the worksheet.

Guide for BUT Reductions

Did you DISTINGUISH your Ego self & Essential Self today?

Score 3 points for distinguishing your Ego self & Essential Self and learning the difference between these two. Give three minutes to see how hard you are on yourself and notice the difference when you are forgiving of yourself, life and other people.

Review ego self & Essential Self

Did you ASK YOURSELF: Do I want to live on Purpose Now? Am I? How shall I proceed?

Do I want to live On Purpose?
Am I On Purpose Now?
How shall I proceed On Purpose (in these conditions with these people)? 

MAKE a decision and run the next play On Purpose!

These three questions are ‘The On Purpose’ work.

If you ask and answer these honestly:
1 time = 1 point
2 times = 2 points
3 times = 3 points

Slow down the mind and train yourself to hear the Voice of Purpose.

The On Purpose Work

Did you use the ON PURPOSE INITIATIVE format today?

1 point is scored for writing an ‘Intention’ today.

1 point is scored for writing a ‘Game Plan ‘ today -i.e. keys/strategy for ‘how’ to make the Intention a success.

1 point is scored for writing your ‘Plays’ On Purpose and the results you are ‘Playing for’ today.

These make up a “Game Worth Playing”.

On Purpose Initiative: A Game Worth Playing

Did you spend time TRAINING your T.E.A. (Thought. Energy. Action.) today?

1 point is scored when you spend 9 minutes reviewing any of the T.E.A. (Thought.Energy.Action) On Purpose modules/articles or journaling, meditating, reading materials to train your mind.

2 points are scored for spending 6 more (15) minutes.

3 points when you spend 6 more (21) minutes.

These can be done in sequence or apart during the day.

TEA (Thought, Energy, Action)